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About Us
The Future Good / Bad Idea BCE Round up Unity Wall Constructibot Schedule Location About Us BCE Flyer Mailing List
* BCE has regained access to email and will answer anyone who emailed us! * There is a BCE'02 in London this November, but it is by the organiser of Decepticon, not us * Stay tuned to the mailing list for more info! * Don't forget to tell us what you think in the good idea / bad idea and future surveys! *

Our Mission

BotCon Europe (proudly the smaller relative of the mighty BotCon) is going to go ahead in August 1999 ... and what's more ... it's gonna kick some aft. Good. Be there ... or you'll miss the piece of history.

This event is being planned as you read ... so don't double book! Make sure you're there on the 13th + 14th August 1999. We will.

Group Profile

We are a group of TransMasters UK members plus a few other TransFans who have got together and taken the initiative to make something more than just a meeting. More than our usual ones which are good but should pale to this one. We want to grow and to go beyond the frontier. It's time for a BotCon in Europe :)

This is gradually snowballing in interest as it gathers speed towards 1999 ... so don't miss out ... get a part of the action as soon as possible. If you're wondring just how convinient a location London is - just remember you can now get there from many places in europe using the TRAIN alone!!!

There are currently a small number of us all with different duties to maintain ... and I'm Jazz, and Melted.com is mine :) BTW - don't be fooled by the name ... I'm Destron through n through :)

Contact Information

Here is all the contact information I can imagine you ever needing, for now at least. If there is someone you wish to contact who isn't listed here, then I'm sure someone else can help you out by giving their address or email, so ask about!

NB : SPECIAL THANKS to someone not listed here at the moment, as they are not on email. Jason Joiner, for all his support and advice upto and including BotCon 98 in Anahiem. Also to his accosiates at Empire Day 9, and especially to Mark.



George Morgan

Head rep kim at melted dot com
Jazz Morgan Webmaster / critique Jazz at melted dot com
Hellbat Dark blue helpful person Hellbat at innocent dot com
Gavin Merrifeild Dealer contacts and floor planning Diatras at hotmail dot com
Kenshin Flatt Merchandise co-ordinator Jaugar at hotmail dot com
0117 9863991
0117 9864033 (ring first)
Postal address
BCE, 30 West View Road, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 2UA, ENGLAND
Electronic mail
Click here

Email us here with errors and "questions & comments" about this web site.
Copyright © 1999 BotCon Europe