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Destron History


The Origins of the


As seen by Leozak                 Based on the Genesis MUSH

Background to Leozak (At Genesis)

Leozak was always a fighter, it's in his optics, and in his voice. He knows battle like the back of his hand, and I'd say that's probably how he got to know Gaihawk from such a young TF age, as Gai is similarly the gladiatorial sort. When the war began, Leozak and Gaihawk were both Decepticons at once, unable to remain peaceful and supporting Megatron utterly. Then later, after vorns of war and fighting, having met up with Drillhorn and Killbison (citizens of another citystate, in oppose to the citystate of Vos which most of the early flyers come from, Zak and Gai included...) and were put in a regiment under the command of warlord Deszaras, who had it seemed, his own unique vision. The four became as close as brothers, and Deszaras found them to be his strongest unit. Deszaras eventually claimed that he was going elsewhere to find more energy for the Decepticons and was fed up of the endless war on Cybertron. The group, along with others, left Cybertron in a large craft, with a lot of stuff. Jaugar, also in the team, got to know the others and became one of the close five, after they had been in space for some time. Hellbat also joined as a permenant member of the group at this time - raising the number of Deszaras' squad of Elite warriors to six. The group, aptly named the Destron regiment, began to plunder worlds and destroy ships. They became warrior mercenaries, working for themselves and the glory of the Decepticons. Quickly they became known and feared, returning to Cybertron on and off to fight alongside thier Decepticon brothers in arms - though clearly by this time, with thier own ideals of destiny.

After some time, larger living quarters were constructed in deep space and various smaller craft. The Destron empire was strong at that point they had slaves called Thralls, had employed new warriors and technicians from worlds they had conquered (this included Blackantra, a female Decepticon on an alien world, who may or may not be an actual Cybertronian Transfomer...), and had new technologies that allowed them greater powers over subspace than anyone else at that time, and also the unique ability to merge with their pets and use them as weapons. Their subspace powers allowed them to materialise various weapons at a second's notice, most notably the deadly multi purpose staff/spear/chain, which could be wreathed with energy.

Later, Deathcobra did some work for them but had to leave. Leozak was not pleased as they were good friends. Sky City became the Destrons new home, when it was found floating, over one of the piladged seas on an alien world (Monacus), on one of the Destron's return to their home world's sector. It was not the glorious Cidatel is is today - but a powered-down shell of a city. Deszaras decleared it his, and set his men to rebuilding it. The Destrons travelled to Earth with thier fleet, and there became caught up in the Autobot Con war yet again! Gaihawk, after committing serious crimes, was sentenced to life in jail on a prison planet. Deszaras swore to take all the precious energies from the Earth himself, therefore making the Destrons, as they were now known, the sole Masters of the Universe! Deszaras is now on and above Earth in force. Deathcobra is no where to be seen. Gaihawk has been rescued by order of Leozak, as he wants his best friend to be safe with them again, and so they can merge and create the giant gestalt killer machine - Liokaiser! Hellbat then betrayed them all by kicking Leozak into space...and locking Lord Deszaras inside his cryochamber. Gaihawk took command of Sky City and kicked Hellbat out into exile. Then, Deszaras came back to life and Hellbat was at least partially forgiven. Leozak was at this time, drifting in the unknown....waiting for his moment to return, almost cold out, dazed and confused.

Upon  his crash landing on Earth and   return to Sky City (after being recovered by a team including several of his Brothers...) Leozak took command under Deszaras again.  The female Destron Xeneleon (or X) came to light, working undercover as a sneak for Lord Deszaras amongst his own men.   Auraptor was made permenant head of Security on Sky City, under the instruction of Hellbat, which Leozak went along with.  A new Destron called Strike Dragon appeared from no where and is still a bit of a mystery to the rest of the team.  Gorgon was fully initiated as a member of the Brestforce Elite.

The Elite, a group of female Merc' Cons led by the infamous and deadly Nightwatch, joined the Destrons and some of them under went tests to prove that they were worthy to be called Destrons.  The overall assumption was that they kicked ass and so were permitted.  This lasted for a while.  During that time, Six Shot also came under the Destron's banner, but he decided to betray the Decepticons at some point and went atsray to Earth. 

When Sky City was involved in a huge battle to save New Cybertron (the Deception city on Earth where New York once stood) from Autobot invasion, the giant floating city called Metroplex was able to severly damage it's hull and weapons systems, killing many Thralls.  After this, The Elite's leader Nightwatch considered Sky City unsafe for her troops and moved them to Decepticon base.  Some of them still seem to feel some attatchments to the Destron forces though and work with them on occasion. 

During the movement of a large oil tanker onto Sky City, Hellbat radioed that an Autobot shuttle was approaching and scrambled the City's populace.  Leozak, Gaihawk, Killbison and all others around came to assist.   Several Decepticons and Calyhexians also arrived.  Just as Leozak ordered an attack upon the shuttle and Hellbat retrieved the oil tanker, Autobots started to pour from the shuttle.  Elite, Cons, Destrons and Calyhexians attacked both it and the Bots that were leaving it.  Hellbat managed to secure the low flying city and the oil tanker within it, whilst outside the city a battle was in full swing. 

Gradually the Destrons retreated into the City, as did several of the other warriors on the Decepticon side.  But un known to them, Prime had decided now was the time to attempt to DOWN the entire City, by taking out it's gravity generators. He launched a full scale assault on the City itself, breaking into the barrier and streaming Bots into the place, landing craft inside and pouring forces into the city with one command - get through the Destrons and INTO it and BLOW that generator!

The retreating Destrons suddenly found themselves under full attack!  The City switched to full black alert and every availible fighter was scrambled.    Optimus Prime was about to charge down into the city, when he came face to face with it's battle Commander, Leozak, who didn't seem to be prepared to give the City up without a FIGHT ... and that's exactly what Prime got.  Autobots and Destrons (plus some Cons...) paired off around the City, winners racing onward to find more people to stop.  Hellbat was hardly seen....creeping around up to some devious scheeme of his own.

After an absolutely head smashing scrap, Optimus Prime succeeded  in knocking out Leozak and led his forces deeper into the City.  Skyfire was being pursuded by the ever brave and foolishly not-stopping Gaihawk, who fought him right back into a cargo hold, where Shockwave arrived.   Shockwave was injured and attempted to hide, to get the element of surprise over any Autobots.  Gaihawk was almost falling to pieces but somehow was still on his feet - when Optimus arrived with someone else behind him.  Skyfire and Gai', both wasted, stopped and then Prime ordered the three Bots onward into the City.  Shockwave's position was then given away as he fell under some crates - and the entire City was shaken hard.  Everyone slid about.  It was going down .... fast.  And Hellbat was no where to be found.

Gaihawk pointed his gun at Prime and refused to allow him to go without a fight to the finish.  Prime pointed his back and there was a 'cowboy' moment.  Then the other Autobot revealed herself to be Moonracer, and she pointed her gun too, and told Gaihawk to let them go. He thought about it - the City was shaking badly by this time.  He lowered his gun and nodded to Prime, letting them pass by into the lift, un hindered, knowing there was nothing that would save his home now.

Shockwave and Gaihawk fled the City along with everyone else, Autobots piling into their shuttles, Destrons flying for it with the Cons.   Blackantra who had been holding off Prowl outside the City also fled, seeing Leozak being carried to safety by Gaihawk, who himself could hardly stand. EVERYONE fled the City! Auraptor was one of the last to go - reluctant to leave the missing Hellbat behind.  

As the Decepticons and Destrons fled to the Con's undersea base, and the Autobots fled in the shuttle Freedom, the City appeared to go BA - BOOM!  with the landscape close by.  The repair bay at Con HQ is currently full of injured Cons and Destrons, those lucky enough to survive and get off the City.   The Autobots basicly got away, but not without the fight of their lives from what some may have thought to be a bunch of push overs.  Not so. 

Hellbat is MIA presumed dead, the City is MIA presumed beyond reasonable doubt to be in pieces in the ocean somewhere ... but nothing is ever as it seems with the Destron Faction ....

For the rest of the tale - come IC and play as a Destron ... IF you think you have what it takes!

Click here to go to the Deston site, at Kim's Korner!

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I am currently playing:  Leozak@Genesis, Nightstrike@Genesis, Nightstrike@TLY, Gaihawk@Victory

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Last modified: October 27, 2008 01:24 -0000