Faith, philosophy, religion and truth: What I believe

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This isn't something I came to lightly, without reading, education, thought, discussion, heated debate, experience or testing.  However and cutting a long story (documented in part elsewhere on this web site) very short, this is a summary of what I believe is true, wholly true and forever true, in the real world, of which there is only one.  No fantasy here - only the real deal.  Get real.

There is ONE GOD.
He is Triune (similar to being made of three aspects; but there's no real way to explain what being triune is simply because it blows our mortal minds)
He is male, because He said He was and I for one have got no reason or desire to force any other sexuality upon Him.
He is utterly Holy, Just, Pure, Righteous, Sinless, Perfect, Knowing, Almighty and Loving.
He is omnipresent and omnipotent.
He sent His Son (God the Son - Jesus Christ) to die for the sins of the whole world, for all time (past, present and future).
Jesus died and rose again after three days, having snatched the keys of life and death from the mouth of Hades.
He paid the price for all sin for all time, thus making it possible for God to remain utterly fair and just, but also all loving.
He is seated in heavenly places at the right hand of His Father (God the Father).
He prays unceasingly for us, to His Father.
He directs the Holy Spirit, who is the third aspect of the triune God, and at His command, the Holy Spirit of God acts, comforting, exhorting and lifting up, empowering and healing.
He has been given the name that is above every other name, the name of The Most High.
The Holy Spirit fills every believer who asks Jesus to send it.
The Holy Spirit can also come upon the unconverted and certain ways, usually to heal them or lead them to the truth.  We do not fully understand the where's and the why's of God's Spirit, because His mercy is boundless and His love is infinite, although it should also be reiterated that he is perfectly just also.
Jesus will come again for a second time to judge the living and the dead.
Those who accept the payment at a terrible cost which was laid down for them at the cross of Jesus, are saved.
Those who do not, are not.  They carry their own burdens because someone must pay for their sins in the eyes of the Most Holy God - and Jesus is the only one who could pay that cost - for it is and was DEATH.
'For the wages of sin is death.'

God is only a prayer away.  He hears even the faintest whisper. Salvation is instant, upon acceptance of the truth.  The payment was paid on the cross ages ago - now all we have to do is say that we choose to acknowledge that payment and love and serve he who paid that price; for we have been bought with a terrible price.  And our lives are purchased with a spotless blood.