Welcome to the 'notebook' of Kim's Korner!

Since I need pages upon which to scribble my personal laments, rants, thoughts, recommendations, links, CV and all sorts of other assorted goodies, I have elected to create a plain, no frames, no shared borders set of little 'white pages' to do this job. So yes, I do know and am aware of how simple this area of melted.com is but hey - never judge a book by its cover. This is not a bastion of web design. This is simply information. Do with it what you will!

See images from Keynsham's Bingo Hall Keynsham-ites: look here!  We're recording the demolition of the Bingo Hall by accepting still and moving images as well as presenting a rare, one off 'Blair Witch' style video taken from INSIDE the derelict structure during the late night!  

My formal CV & my informal profile - It's not completely exhaustive, but you'll be able to see at a glance what I've done up until now. I've had good feedback about the CV format, so have a peek and let me know if you see anything which grabs your eye. My profile is basically just that; who I am.

My blog - As simple as just that; the collection of thoughts, musings, ramblings and laments from the mind of Kim Kaze

Interests - Also includes pictures of me and my family, friends and so on.  Just like it says; my interests documented in various ways (links etc.). Everything I am into or approve of, from tea to Transformers!

Rants  - This may cross over a little with the faith section. Rants are thoughts and strong pieces that I felt I wanted to say but didn't have the time to exhaustively research or by any means go into graphic detail with. They are strictly my views and are based on my personal quest for information, knowledge and truth. Whether or not you agree with them is up to you, but if you are very easily rubbed up the wrong way by reading work which doesn't agree with your own, I suggest giving this section a miss.

Faith, philosophy, religion & truth - Fairly self explanatory, really.  Some of the contents of this area may be considered 'rants', or part of the rants section.  I will attempt to show what I believe to be the truth on various issues, and why. I will also share information sources and discussions.

My fictional musings etc. - My various fictional works of art. Transformer (80's Jap&US/UK sci fi mecha), Lelund (fantasy & sci fi) and Destron (special, refined Transformer thoughts moving into areas of real life interest) heritage.

Any other Business - Currently this section is being used to express the truth about 'what I think', since a lot of people really don't seem to know and continue to base their views of me on outdated information.

Usually inactive / barely used sections...

Recommendations & watchdog reports - In my life I've done deals with some very shady characters indeed, and been royally screwed by some of them, as well as stumbled across some incredibly good places and people too. Find out who's a lying toe rag and who's an angelic saint :)

Anything else and any links which don't have anywhere else to go! - All the stuff which doesn't fit in anywhere else.

Copyright George Morgan 2001, 2008