Any other business?

My little editorial...

Just an area for everything else to go that doesn't quite fit in to the other sections. So I'll keep it short and sweet. Below you will find links to other pages, detailing such oddments as these.  Enjoy!

Do you like to have your say?

I do. In fact, I like it so much that I regularly join in on the BBC's Have Your Say pages, which occasionally I feature on.  Often they do not use your comments as they get quite a lot in, but it's still worth airing your views.  I have decided to share some of mine.
Click here to read my comments

You think you know me?

An interesting question. Lots of folks seem to think the answer is yes ... but how well do you really know who I am, what I am and why I stand for the things which I do. Why do I think those things which I think? Why do I believe what I do? Why do I dress the way I do? Think you know me? Maybe you do and maybe you don't; but things change and you might be surprised to find out what I still think about stuff. Most importantly of all, if you stand in judgement, judge right. Know the heart, not the hot air :)
Click to discover what I think and why

What transpired in Gozo, in images

Here are a few images from my cell phone camera of my trip of late to the island of Gozo. (added 5/6/05)
Click here to go to Gozo in pictures