Too hot to handle!


Although he was small, and in HIS mind, insignificant, the larger Autobot couldn’t help feeling that the smaller Autobot was looking at him - scornfully. He had FAILED. Still ahead of him was the explanation to his Commander, and then what? The need for righting the error burned, in his circuits. The feeling he KNEW that as an Autobot, he shouldn’t FEEL. The need - the WANT - for revenge!

" What’re you staring at?!" Was the rude remark, after an awkward pause. High Beam stared up, at him, sympathetically. He knew that the Cybertronian General hated to be outdone in his own field. He was probably feeling angry and, to a certain extent - helpless, NOT an emotion best suited to it’s recipient! For without an order from Prime to take revenge, which was unlikely, the Gobot knew BreezeDome could not repair the damage done. There was a war on…and individuals personal feelings were best kept to the individual. Unfortunately BreezeDome keeping his feelings inside was like bottling TNT!

" Listen, BreezeDome, I know you feel bad….but no one thinks you didn’t try. Especially Prime. In fact-"

" Oh - cut the static, High Beam! I know what you’re thinking! What you’re ALL thinking! I’m a loser, right? I suppose Primes gonna’ demote me, now…well, I don’t blame him! Can’t even keep a few ‘Cons under for a few breems…"

" It was more than THAT…it was DAYS, even a WEEK or so, before they got out. Oh-I can’t remember how long, Sir, but it was a while! And…"

" Look, save the nice cushy remarks for AFTER I’ve been reprimanded, ok? Now…what was it you wanted to say? EarthBase has been attacked and levelled by the ‘Cons I let escape, right?"

High Beam was loosing patience!

" Look, BreezeDome, if you spent HALF as long LISTENING as you do shooting your mouth off, then I’d already have explained! A - all the ‘Cons did NOT go to Earth…Outback sent a report from somewhere beyond our scanner range that the StormTroopers are still here - and under Sixshot."

BreezeDome’s target crosshair eye glinted and the corner of his mouth rose in his characteristic snarl! But before he exploded, High Beam continued -

" And B…yes, Optimus Prime wishes you to report at once, to his Command post, without your team. But it’s NOTHING to do with what YOU were grinding on about, so quit sulking and get UP there! Before he sends the other Gobots down to check that you haven’t knocked me out, in a fit of rage."

The large Autobot scanned the floor, wanting to scream and run out into the waste regions, until he found Sixshot and the Stormtroopers…and then KILL them!

Instead, he nodded, dutifully.

" Very well, mate. Thanks for giving me the message. And I’m sorry I’ve been an animal. You know I don’t mean nothing by it, don’t ya’?"

High Beam grinned, at BreezeDome’s usual slangy and incorrect grammar.

" Sure, Sir…forget it?"

" Yeah, thanks! O.k, I’d best hightail it upto Prime’s now, then. See ya’."

" ‘Bye, then!" Called out High Beam, as the larger Autobot strode away, down the steel corridor, his feet making the usual clang-clang-clang!

" Jeeze…wish he’d sort that OUT!" Groaned the Gobot, as he raced off, to join his fellow Gobots upstairs.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


" Aaarrrrgghh!!!! Too damn close, that time, SCUM!" Cried Outback, as a fury of laser bolts and missiles from the pursuing Air Strike Patrol ploughed into the metallic ground behind him, throwing deadly shrapnel up into the air. The nifty Autobot 4x4 twisted and skidded, avoiding it narrowly, but with skill. Suddenly, he hit reverse gear, and before the airborne Decepticons knew what was going on, he was behind them, at full chat…firing his roof-mounted mortar cannon!

" No! Quickly…turn and BURN the Autobot spy! Our even REMOTE whereabouts must NOT be transmitted to his pathetic comrades!" Shouted Nightflight, turning in an incredibly tight circle and zeroing in on the small vehicle far below.

The other three turned, to join in. They chased Outback down a corridor between two complexes. Deep in un-Autobot-manned territory, the Autobot knew that if he couldn’t handle the Air Strike Patrol alone, then he was rusted scrap iron!

" Ha Ha! Run in terror, Autobot fool! We ENJOY your futile little games…although when we rip you apart we’ll have TWICE the fun!" Laughed Tailwind, barging his way to the front of the pursuing squad and launching an almighty salvo. This time there was little warning and Outback was hurled by rising surface panels, into an out of control roll. As he hit the ground, transforming on instinct, he saw a black-purple blur as the Air Strike Patrol landed and surrounded him, all in their small but deadly robot modes. Outback had his gun in hand but could see that it was relatively useless. If he had been a larger Autobot, he would have stood a chance….but he was himself small, though a fraction bigger than the four that now faced him, assured of their triumph in their own minds.

Nightflight grinned a twisted grin and took a step closer. Outback scrambled to his feet, quickly and pointed his gun at his attacker.

" Stay back, creep! Or I’ll use this…GLADLY!" He warned, trying to mask how scared he really was. The other three laughed and tightened the semi-circle around him, against a wall. Nightflight came closer, raising his gun, knowing Outback was not just a pushover and NOT likely to give in without a fight!



Time was running out for Outback to get away….and Decepticons were not usually in the habit of letting their hard-pursued foes OFF!

* * * * * * * * * * * *

" You requested I came to report to you, Sir."

Optimus Prime turned around, although he knew by the voice who it was. He saw how weathered BreezeDome looked, and by the way he was looking at the floor, Prime could tell that his ‘don’t feel guilty’ message had fallen on deaf ears.

" Er….indeed, I did, didn’t I? Now, shut the door, if you would, and come over here…we NEED to talk….urgently." BreezeDome could tell that Prime meant it, so he shut the door and came over to the Command Desk.

" Now, I heard about the breakout on B-floor, and I think you should KNOW something…"

" Wait up, Prime, er….Commander, I mean" cut in BreezeDome. Prime gave him the ‘I’m not impressed but carry on now that you’ve interrupted’ look. So, BreezeDome did :-

" I know that also on duty at that time were two of my BreezeForce team, Sabreblade and Ultimar. With your permission, Sir, I want to free them of all blame. I am the General and therefore, it falls to ME in a moment of crisis to command them, and to succeed in a mission. The only person who failed was ME, Sir. I take full responsibility for the escape."

Optimus Prime looked at his eyes, hard. He sighed, and began:

" No one is to BLAME, BreezeDome. It was a joint failing by the Autobot force, as a whole, not to stop the Decepticons getting away. You AND all your team tried very hard, General, but it just wasn’t our day." Prime smiled, and leant back in his chair, finishing. " I want you to stop feeling guilty and get back to being YOU. Revert you and your team to secondary functions, BreezeDome…I want you to join the battles. We need more troops, and you are an ideal selection, plus you know Cybertron better than a lot of us. Do you accept, General?"

BreezeDome saluted promptly, before grinning, suddenly cheerful again.

" Mission ACCEPTED, Sir. I’ll inform the rest of the team at once. We move on your command."

Prime smiled.

" Good. I’ll call you and others up for a briefing later on. Dismissed" He replied.

" Sir" replied BreezeDome, and he turned abruptly, as always, and left the room, shutting the door behind him with a snap.

‘ He’s back to his good old military self. Good’ thought Optimus Prime. Then he reached for his radio panel button.

" This is HQ…Outback, come in, please."



Outback heard his arm-mounted radio crackle, as the sneering Nightflight and his three comrades moved in, for the kill.

" Prime! Get off line….QUICK! I’m HISTORY…you can’t track me from here…and they can track YOU from my radio bank! GO!!!" He cried, hitting the VOX speech button.

Prime jumped, at the sudden shout, before leaning forward, to the auto-tracker. Sure enough….it was fuzzy and unable to lock onto Outback, as he was too far away. The Autobot leader hit the Red Alert button, for Decepticon counter attacks.

" SCRAMBLE!" He shouted down the mic’. Outback was only one Autobot…but a close one to Optimus Prime’s heart…and for good reason! Besides, they needed to track down these hidden Decepticon bases that were spouting so much trouble…or they could lose Iacon…and then, ultimately - Cybertron itself!

Nightflight laughed, at Outback’s attempts to be noble yet also courageous. He pushed his blaster into the Autobot’s nose. Outback froze - not in FEAR, but merely to plan how BEST to surprise them with a counter attack, now that they assumed he’d surrendered.

" Well well! See that you’re not the plucky, predictable little Autobot we all THOUGHT you were!" Laughed Whisper, evilly. Outback kept up the act. He grinned, weakly.

" Oh no, Decep’….far from predictable. I am always full of surprises."

The four Micromasters glanced at each other - then laughed!

" Oh yeah? Well, WE sure out matched you…and NOW, we’re gonna’ KILL you!" Laughed Stormcloud.

" Yeah, so get ready to meet your MAKER, Autobot!" Added Nightflight, clicking his trigger into place. Outback grinned. He had already picked up the sound that he wanted to hear. TWO sounds, in fact. And BOTH meant curtains for the Decepticons!!!

" Well, it’s been fun, lads, but I’m afraid that Prime and I have urgent matters to discuss… busting into your BASES, hidden as they MAY be! So, I hope you won’t think me at all RUDE, if I do THIS!…" And with that Outback swung a huge punch at Nightflight, knocking his gun clean out of his grasp! The group couldn’t believe it! All his fight had come back, and now Outback was in his element, mad, frenzied, juvenile COMBAT!

Things were just beginning to get ugly with the lasers pointed at him, when the sound grew nearer…..and then there he was! On land - Blurr, speeding along, to battle….and in the sky - BlackHawk, having used his ‘Elevation’ to zoom ahead of the rest, followed by a group of Autobot jets!

" Oh NO! He’s brought his MATES!" Cried Stormcloud, stepping away from Outback and taking a long shot off at Blurr. It missed, and the Autobot blurred into his robot mode, from the ground….from nowhere a shot lanced….and Stormcloud fell down, his chest smoking, helpless.

" No! You slime! Autobot - I’ll…..AAGGHHH!!!"

" Put a ROD in it, shortie!" Cried BlackHawk, as he and the rest swooped down, firing.

" Nightflight AND Stormcloud…oohhh…now I owe you BIG time! Take THIS!" Cried Whisper, letting rip at BlackHawk’s underside with everything he had. A few charges HIT, but the rest skimmed his wingtip, and the Autobot instantly landed, rather violently, transformed and charged at the two Micromasters, firing his arm laser with quite worrying accuracy!

Blurr also dashed forwards, firing his electro-laser in short, successive bursts, narrowly missing the ducking Decepticons. The remaining Autobot jets circled, firing whenever no one was in the way.

Outback raced clear of the carnage, before crouching behind a metal panel and firing over the top at the two cross-fired ‘Cons.

" You’re HISTORY, Decep-rust!" He shouted, narrowly missing Tailwind’s shoulder.

The panic-struck Decepticons hid behind a lump of debris, reloading their guns.

" PRIMUS, Whisper, we’re DEAD if we don’t transform an’ head for base. They’ll wring our NECKS!" Cried Tailwind.

" You FOOL, Tailwind - d’you think those other jets are up there for FUN? Their waiting for us to try that, mate! Besides, if we lead ‘em back to base the boss’ll KILL us!"

A nearby explosion made both ‘Cons cringe. Then Tailwind glared at his comrade.

" Oh - an’ you’re sayin’ that lot WON’T?!? We’re dead either way, now…"

" They are Autobots…maybe -"

" You try to surrender an’ I’ll shoot you myself!"

" No! But, when they GET us…perhaps they won’t kill us." Suggested Whisper.

Too late…..just at that second one of BlackHawk’s missiles ploughed into the lump of debris that was their shield. Both were sent flying clear and left a little stunned, but still armed and angry. Whisper hit Blurr lightly once…but one shot from his target BACK proved to end the fight for him! It immobilised him, except his head. His gun hit the ground and Blurr stamped on it - it exploded, underfoot.

" Youdecepticons justdon’t know when your’e outof your depthdoyou, huh?" Came the barely decodable remark. Whisper went mad!

" Leave me alone, ya’ fast-talking FREAK!" He yelled. But Blurr left him, unable to move an inch….and he approached Tailwind.

" Give it up, Decepticon, we have you surrounded, and there’s NO way OUT. Come out - or we attack!" Warned BlackHawk, as he and Blurr teamed up to come closer to where the Micromaster was hiding. The other jets circled, keeping them covered. Outback came out of hiding and strode upto the helpless Whisper.

" I see Blurr’s left you to ME, slime bucket! Let’s see if YOU like being captured half as much as I do!" He said, gun aimed.

" HEY! You can’t do that…I…I can’t MOVE…I…I’m helpless!" Cried Whisper, trying to move and falling flat on his back, instead!

" Ah - you BORE me! A cool guy like ME needs a challenge! I’m outta’ here - see you back at AutoBase, guys! And thanks, for the save!" Cried Outback, as he roared off.

Blurr decided to join him, and asked BlackHawk if he could hold up alone.

" Sure, I’ll be fine, Blurr! See you later." Replied the jet, as he crept up behind the cover. Blurr was soon out of sight. Prime needed him, back at base. Three of the ‘Cons were down, two cold out and one immobilised. The fourth was armed but hurt. The Autobot was positive he could catch the last one.

Suddenly, pain flared, in his back. The Decepticon had sneaked around, gradually…and had shot him on a painful fuel duct! Oil spilled and the Autobot whirled around to face his enemy, a snarl on his face!

NO!!! It was NOT Tailwind…he was still hidden - it was the damaged but still operational Nightflight who had pulled himself up to his feet to fire the shot! BlackHawk ducked a salvo from behind which WAS Tailwind, turned and shot the Micromaster down, hard. He turned and pointed his weapon at Nightflight.

" Game over, creep" he growled.

Nightflight’s systems involuntarily shut down, after the physical stress of getting up when he really didn’t have the reserves. BlackHawk watched his small enemy crumple to the ground without him touching him. His task done, BlackHawk turned and transformed, before cruising back to base, the other jets flying fast to keep up with him.

The Decepticons limped back to Sixshot, one by one, explaining their humiliating defeat. He had little mercy and spared them on the condition that they never allowed Megatron to get word of the incident!

Optimus Prime welcomed them all back, warmly, glad that Outback had been saved. It wasn’t long before new missions were on the cards, though, and everyone wanted to be a part of them! But this time, his newly assigned warriors, the BreezeForce team, were heading the list of those to be included. It would be a long battle to keep Iacon and Cybertron from Decepticon occupation. But Prime was determined to win. And if Megatron got involved…so much the BETTER! It would kill two birds with one stone.

Prime just hoped he could find this ‘stone’…….and QUICKLY!

By George Morgan.